- 1、高密度沉淀池+反硝化生物濾池 需要鼓風機嗎
- 2、淡水魚中,哪種魚生命力最強?我想在下水道的入口處,做一沉淀池,放進魚后,是為了清理里面的食物雜質。
- 3、楊東的楊東社區房價概況
- 4、楊東的教育經歷
- 5、楊東的研究成果
一、高密度沉淀池+反硝化生物濾池 需要鼓風機嗎
楊東板塊小區房價漲幅前5名 1、鳳凰家園¥.元↑3.% 2、東城新村¥.元↑3.% 3、上海綠城二期¥.元↑3.% 4、錦繡天第¥.元↑2.% 5、錦繡一方¥.元↑1.% 楊東板塊小區房價最高前5名 1、上海綠城二期¥.元↑3.% 2、上海綠城¥.元↑1.% 3、上海綠城三期¥.元↑1.% 4、錦繡天第¥.元↑2.% 5、錦繡滿堂¥.元↑1.% 楊東板塊小區房價跌幅前5名 1、東城家園¥.元↓-2.% 2、中福公寓¥.元↓-1.% 3、楊東小區¥.元↓-0.% 4、東方龍苑¥.元↓-0.% 5、錦繡華庭¥.元↓0.% 楊東板塊小區房價最低前5名 1、中福公寓¥.元↑-1.% 2、楊東小區¥.元↑-0.% 3、鳳凰家園¥.元↑3.% 4、東城新村¥.元↑3.% 5、愛家亞洲花園¥.元↑1.%
[1]面向我國高檔豪華客車的客戶可配置系統的建模與產品配置器研究,國家自然科學基金(NO. ),.1-.,項目主持人。
[3]分布式多重入復雜制造系統的建模與優化,國家高科技計劃,.1 -.,項目主要參與者,排名第三。
[6]大規模定制的生產組織與管理的理論、方法與關鍵技術(No.), 國家自然科學基金與香港研究局聯合資助項目,年—年,項目參與者。 [1]Dong Yang, Ming Dong; Rui Miao. Development of a product configuration system with ontology-based Approach, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. (8), pp.-, (SCI Impact factor: 1., SCI收錄號:IDS-NX;在SCI引文數據庫中他引次數2次).
[2]Dong Yang, Rui Miao, Hongwei Wu. Product configuration knowledge modeling using ontology web language, Expert systems with Applications, vol. (3): -, . (SCI Impact factor: 1., SCI收錄號:NJ;在SCI引文數據庫中他引次數3次).
[3]Dong Yang; Hongwei Wu; Lixin Tong. UML-based approach for the development of shop floor control systems, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. (6), .(SCI Impact factor: 0., SCI收錄號:OG).
[4]Yan, Ye, Dong Yang. An ontology-based architecture for implementing semantic integration of supply chain management, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. (1),1–, . (Corresponding author. SCI 收錄號:IDS Number xx;EI收錄:, Impact factor: 0.; SCI引文數據庫中他引次數2次).
[5]Yan Ye, Dong Yang. Ontology-based semantic models for supply chain management,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. (-): -, .(Corresponding author, SCI收錄號:UI,SCI Impact factor: 0.; SCI引文數據庫中他引次數1次).
[6]Ming Dong, Dong Yang, PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Using Hidden Semi-Markov Model based Times Series Data Mining, Expert systems with Applications, vol. :-, . (SCI收錄號:MG,SCI Impact factor: 1.).
[7]Ming Dong, Dong Yang, Optimal decisions in product modularity design using real option approach,Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, vol.(1): -, .(SCI收錄號:RO).
[8]Dong Yang, Lixin Tong, Yan Ye, Hongwei Wu. Applying CommonKADS and Semantic Web Technologies to Ontology-based E-government Knowledge Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , . (SC1 收錄號:IDS Number BFE; EI:)
[9]Yan Ye, Dong Yang, Lixin Tong. A Knowledge- and Workflow-Based System for Supporting Order Fulfillment Process in the Build-to-Order Supply Chains, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SCI收錄號: IDS Number BFE; EI: . Best Paper Awards), .
[]Dong Yang, Lixin Tong, Yan Ye. Supporting Effective Operation of E-governmental Services through workflow and knowledge management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , .(SCI收錄號: IDS Number BFF; EI: ).
[]Dong Yang, Zhang Shen-sheng. Goal-oriented Analysis and Agent-based Design of Agile Supply Chain, Lecture Notes In Computer Science , . (SCI 收錄號:IDS Number BXQ)
[]周義廷,楊東,面向對象的產品配置建模及約束推理研究,計算機集成制造(CIMS), (4), 。(EI收錄號:JJZXFN)
[]伍宏偉,楊東、童立新,基于Petri網的民事訴訟流程建模及評價,清華大學學報,(9), -, . (EI收錄號: )
[]葉艷、楊東,基于Ontology的電子政務流程知識語義互操作研究,上海交通大學學報,, vol (9). -. (EI收錄號: )。
[]童立新, 楊東, 盧春霞,基于擴展WF-net的業務過程資源配置分析和優化,上海交通大學學報, (7), .-, . (EI收錄號:)。
[]Yang Dong, Wen Quan. Modeling workflow using XML and Petri net. Journal of system engineering and electronics., V(3) : -(EI收錄號:EI)。
[]伍宏偉,楊東,基于TCP-net的醫療服務流程建模與優化,系統仿真學報, (8): -, .
[]Yang Dong, Zhang ShenSheng,An Approach for Workflow Modeling Using pi-calculus,Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE),,No.6(EI收錄號:EI)。
[]Yang Dong, Tong Lixin, Ye Yan, Wu Hongwei, An Approach for Analyzing, Extracting and Modeling 、E-Government Ontology,Journal of Southeast university,, (3): -. (EI收錄號:)
[]Ye Yan, Yang Dong. Configuration Knowledge Modeling of Customizable Products Based on Semantic Web Technologies, Journal of Southeast university,, (3): -. (EI收錄:).
[]楊東,張申生,傅謙,基于UML OCL的企業組織元模型,高技術通訊,,(6): -。
[]楊東,張申生,王英林,工作流過程建模及模型的形式化驗證, 計算機科學,第9期。
[]王英林,楊東, 基于粒度分層的布局設計模型, 上海交通大學學報,年第7期。
[]Yang Dong, Zhang shensheng, Exchange of part library between CAD systems based on ISO , Proceedings of CAD/CG’, ,.
[]Yang Dong,Zhang Shen-sheng,He Yuan-jun, BYL-PLIB, a CAD Part Library conforming to IS0 , IEEE international Conference on Industrial Technology, ,。
[]Yang Dong,Zhang Shen-sheng, Modeling Workflow Process Models with Statechart, th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems, Huntsville Alabama, USA, April 7-, 。